A Little Appreciation

— for all of us.

4 min readDec 18, 2020

Frankly, 2020 has been one roller coaster of a year. Some felt drastic changes, some realized something new, some struggled to adapt, some tears have been shed, some laughs have been shared. We can always perceive it in any way we want, but one thing is to be grateful for where we are now. Perhaps, it wasn’t the best year for everyone. Pandemic, social distancing, online-based activities, and so on. Like it or not, it forced us to embrace the changes. Nonetheless, we can always (and still) look at the goods. For instance, have you been grateful today? What was your best 2020 experience?

Some problems araised due to the sudden changes in how we perceive normal life. From dressing up to go to work or school, to turning up the laptop and opening up a conference call. From making an appointment to meet someone at your favorite cafe, to asking a spare time to make a voice call. From choosing a nice pair of shoes to go out, to having to sit in your room looking at monitors for the rest of the day.

Some missed seeing their friends’ faces. Some stuck in another city waiting to go home to meet their family. Some had to risk their lives to keep working and feed their family. It’s not easy. Perhaps life never was. We’re just humans limited by ourselves, living our life with different purposes and paths.

We all struggled, we all fought. But for anything that has happened, we’re still continuing our lives and keeps on going. It may feel tiring, draining, and exhausting at times.

Everyone’s trying their best.

You are too. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Taking breaks isn’t a crime, don’t feel bad too much about it.

Due to this pandemic, some of us had to stay somewhere with just ourselves, and it may felt lonely at times. But, being alone doesn’t mean you’re isolated. We’re all fighting together. Appreciate those around you, those who reached for you. Reach out to people you hold dear, stay connected, stay safe. Appreciate yourself, too.

Thank yourself for staying even in the hard times. Don’t be too hard on him/her. Do things that you have to do, but don't forget to enjoy yourself too. Try to connect with others. Live your day to the fullest.

When you’re ready, stand up strong and hold yourself high. Feel your body and set your mind. Let’s keep giving our best.

Having offline activities seems more interesting and organic. We’d get to see others a lot and interact with them like normal. New friends are made, new places are visited, and even new street foods that are going to be open soon.

But that doesn’t mean we couldn’t meet new people online too. There has been a lot of changes too into how we do things, including activities that became online. Meet them. Greet them. Get to know them, appreciate them.

It sucks that we probably couldn’t meet them in a short time, but cherish them for this moment. Be grateful, be thankful, for their presence to help you keep going on your daily lives.

Stay in touch with your friends and people whom you hold dear. They’ll be the ones who hear you out when you tell stories about your daily home activities. They’ll listen to your rants about how you really wanted to go out and meet them. They’ll lend you a pair of ears to listen to your laughs or cries. They’ll play online games together when you get bored. They’ll tell silly stories so everybody can laugh or even have a deep talk session to understand each other better. Be thankful for them.

Be thankful to yourself, too, for being there for them.

You’ve done a lot for this year, and for that, congratulation. Thank you for trying. Thank you for staying. Ease yourself, loosen your body. Listen to your heart, forgive your mind and thoughts. Feel yourself, soften up any tense body part you had.

The fact that you’re reading this now means you’re here, right now, this moment, getting through from all the things that may have got in your way, from the rocky roads on the journey passing through the year, for anything you’ve been through. Chin up and be proud of yourself.

You’re doing good, focus.

Be kind to yourself.

Thank you, for staying you.

For everyone, especially those whom I met this year, thank you. Thank you for the company throughout the day and night. Thank you for the time spent, whether it’s sharing stories, ranting about stuff, or even arguing. Thank you for holding on through the tough times and situations. I hope that soon, we all get to meet and continue whatever we want to do. One day, one day.




semoga kaki senantiasa dikuatkan untuk berdiri dan melangkah lagi.